The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for young people

In cooperation with Amnesty International

In this book all 30 articles of the Declaration of Human Rights are explained in a child-friendly manner and illustrated with many examples from our daily life. Article 7: All people are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection by the law, is easy to understand by children when you say that also a king can be stopped by the police if he drives too fast.

Or for example: article 24: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and paid holidays. Children will be happy to read that they have a right for free time and to a private life with their own secrets.

This colourful book does not only show children what their rights are, but also makes them aware of what is wrong and what is right.


From the press:

In cooperation with Amnesty International, ‚The Universal Declaration of Human Rights‘ has just been published. Written by Cai Schmitz-
Weicht in easy-to-understand language, each article is accompanied by a sometimes cheerful, sometimes serious, but always subtle illustration by Ka Schmitz. BÜCHERmagazin

Download the factsheet with all specifications Download the factsheet with all specifications

Further information

  • Dutch and Italian rights sold.
  • All other rights available.

Cai Schmitz-Weicht

Cai Schmitz-Weicht is a copywriter and author. During her studies in literature she learned how to write about complex topics in an understandable way. This is what she still does today - for books, information materials and specialist texts.

Ka Schmitz

Ka Schmitz is an illustrator and comic artist. She illustrates picture books and draws pictures at live Events. Always with a focus on emotions and empowerment, even when it comes to diicult issues such as violence or

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