Outdoor activities for children on – believe it or not – 440 bulging pages. Judith Drews & Lilli Baltzer share with us just a few of their favourite things
All you need to have children enjoy playing outside and esteem nature is: appropriate clothes, chalk, a crayon, maybe a few ribbons, strings and off you go.
There are a thousand things you can experience in nature. Watch the tadpoles and pond skaters, find ant trails or trails of deer in the woods, arrange a snail race, build a tree house or a tipi or a dam or a sandcastle or an igloo or a snow woman or a raft or or or. Pluck flowers and take them home to dry, make necklaces from appleseeds or elder twigs or seashells. Watch the stars and the birds and the moon and the sun and the clouds. Enjoy the smell of summer rain on the warm earth, feel the first snow flakes on your tongue. This book is about the fun and joy of discovering and experiencing. So open your eyes and ears, go outside and embrace nature!
Download the factsheet with all specificationsShe has so far published more than 40 books, is the designer and the photographer of the book, whereas Lilli is the creator of all the heart warming drawings and illustrations in this absolutely exceptional work.
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