Things I do not know

If you don’t ask, you don’t even know what you don’t know

The mysterious Dr. Domino, who lives with his cat in a mobile home and is supposed to know everything, has made a list of everything that he doesn‘t know after all, like for example:

Does a polar bear know that it is white?
What does a blackbird think when it sings?
What does my cat know about me?

The clear, happy pictures by Sarah Locher and the subtle text by Dieter Böge make this book a book for the whole family, that makes you ask yourselves even more new questions.

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Further information

  • All rights available.
  • English translation available.

The author:

Dieter Böge, born in 1958, is a picture book author, painter, illustrator and teacher. His book 189 was shortlisted for the German Youth Literature Prize in 2021.

The illustrator:

Sarah Locher, born in 1994, studied illustration at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Since then she has been working as a freelance illustrator for various book and magazine publishers.

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