The entirely new story of Carl Mops who suddenly had a family

Third time’s a charm!

Big changes are underway in Carl’s life when mistress announces that his dearly beloved Coco and her master will soon move in with them. Carl is overjoyed to now have Coco by his side forever. But their friend Paula is less happy. What is the matter with her? And then something happens which stirs things up thoroughly…

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The third part of our story about friendship, jealousy, solidarity and the small and big changes in the course of a (dog’s) life.

Download the factsheet with all specifications Download the factsheet with all specifications

By the same artist

The story of Carl Mops who got lost and found his way back home again

A well known German saying goes as follows: A life without a pug is futile. Carl’s mistress feels exactly the same. But when she is called to an emergency one ...

The new story of Carl Mops who falls madly in love and finds a girlfriend

The adventure continues … Carl and Paula enjoy their life with mistress. But then something happens that turns their lives upside down: Carl falls in love! When Cora, the dog ...

Further information

  • Dutch and English (UK) rights sold.
  • All other rights available.
  • Please ask for English sample translation.

The Authors

Fabiola Nonn, born in 1989, studied at art schools in Stuttgart and Nürtingen. She works as an art therapist and is an author of children’s books and young fiction. She lives in Stuttgart.

Lukas Weidenbach, born in 1983, studied Media and Communication Studies after finishing his vocational training as a bookseller. He now works as an editor and freelance writer. He lives in Düsseldorf.

The Illustrator

Joëlle Tourlonias, born in Hanau in 1985, studied Visual Communications at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, focussing on illustration and painting. She has been self-employed since 2009 – drawing, painting, living and loving in Düsseldorf.

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