Life’s a Riot at the Port!

On seven huge double pages young children can discover what happens during a normal day at a port. And of course there’s a hot trail of Benny Badger again …

From dawn till dusk vessels move in and out of the port: giant containerships, fishing cutters, a speedboat of the harbour police, bulk carriers and launches for harbour tours. While shipments are discharged by large cranes, the crew of the cargo vessel enjoys itself for instance in the dockland pub. In front of the tavern sits an old sea dog selling fish and not far away children discover an ancient two-mast boat that is said to have been a pirate ship.

The Mümmel-Longear family goes on a roundtrip of the harbour, and Benny Badger creeps on board a big cruise liner as a blind passenger. When he is discovered at last, there is no escape: the ship has set sail …

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By the same artist

Life’s a Riot at the Construction Site!

On seven huge double pages young children can discover what happens during a normal day at a construction site. On top of this, they are hot on Benny Badger’s trail ...

Life’s a Riot in the City!

It is half past six in the morning, just after sunrise, when the Mümmel family get up; by half past eleven at night they’ve already been in bed for quite ...

Life’s a Riot at the Farm!

On seven huge double pages young children can discover what happens during a normal day at a farm; plus there’s a hot trail of naughty Benny Badger, the king of ...

Run Home, Little Mouse

Little Mouse is tired and on its way home, but is afraid to pass through the dark forest with all its wild creatures. At first, little Mouse can only make ...

Sleep Tight, Little Bear

Leaves are falling from the trees, the evenings are getting chillier and Little Bear shivers with cold. So Mama Bear knows the time has come for the winter sleep. But ...

Further information

  • French, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Faroese, Chinese rights sold.
  • English World Rights sold.
  • All other rights available.

Britta Teckentrup

Britta Teckentrup, born in Hamburg in 1969, studied art in London. After living in England for seventeen years, during which period she published countless successful picture books worldwide, she moved to Berlin where she now lives with her family.

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