For this wonderful edition Sybil Gräfin Schönfeldt, the »Granddame« of literature, has carefully reworked E.T.A. Hoffmann’s 1816 fairy tale classic to make it more comprehensible for children today. And Sabine Friedrichson’s illustrations draw the children into the story in an instant.
The story: Little Marie is given a nutcracker, and her brother Fritz uses it to crack nuts, until the Nutcracker has lost all his teeth. Marie takes care of him and puts him up next to her brother’s army of toy soldiers. At night, the army comes to life and, led by the Nutcracker, faces an army of mice, led by the Mouse King. Marie saves the Nutcracker from being defeated. But the Nutcracker is really a cursed young man, who, in order to be released, has to defeat the Mouse King and win the love of a girl. So Marie follows the Nutcracker into his magic realm and becomes his happy princess.
Dr. Sybil Gräfin Schönfeldt born in 1927 in Bochum, works as a journalist, translator, author of children’s books and cookbooks, and is a freelance employee at various magazines as well as radio and TV networks. She lives in Hamburg.
Sabine Friedrichson born in 1948 in Hamburg, is internationally known for her illustrations of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales. She has received multiple awards, among others the German Youth Literature Special Award for long term Achievement as an illustrator. Additionally, she has been included in the roll of honour for the Hans-Christian-Andersen Award. She lives in Hamburg with her husband.
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