As if you were in Mexico!
The Mexican cuisine is considered one of the most colourful and aromatic cuisines of the world. The influence of the Spaniards at the time of colonization on the traditional Aztec cuisine has created a unique blend. This book takes the reader on a culinary and cultural discovery trip. In about 80 original recipes not only typical, but also not so well known Mexican snacks, main dishes, desserts and beverages are presented.
You not only get to learn about the whole range of tortillas, different kind of chilli peppers or sweet corn and avocados, but also about the Mexican cuisine and its traditions. Mexican feasts for example are of great culinary importance, thus an entire chapter in this book is dedicated to the »Dia de los muertos« when the Mexicans commemorate the dead and prepare traditional Pan de muerto and Tamales.
The beautiful layout of the book is mouth watering. Illustrator Tina Kraus has enriched the texts with powerful and colourful images that do the colourful land and the influence of Frida Kahlo justice. With her vignettes, borders and motifs in the national colours she captures the atmosphere of the country as well as its culinary and cultural traditions.
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Rosita Garcia is originally from Guadalajara. The passionate cook has been living in Berlin for some time now. A few years ago she started to collect traditional recipes from all over Mexico. She was not only inspired by the recipes from her own family and friends, but also by Frida Kahlo’s famous Fiesta Recipes.
And the recipes in this Mexican cookbook are based on Rosita’s collection.
Tina Kraus, born 1985 in Starnberg, studied design and illustration in Münster. In 2009 she spent a semester at the University in Seoul, South Korea, where her interest in exotic cuisines inflamed. Today she works as a freelance illustrator and paper engineer.
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