The Korea-Cookbook

Kimchi, Bibimbap and Bulgogi – some Korean dishes are well known. But what is the essence of the Korean cuisine? To answer this question, three Korean women assembled their favourite family recipes for this book and recalled their culinary experiences of Korea. They narrate in animated, highly atmospheric texts about their grandmothers’ and mothers’ cooking, about street markets and Korean traditions. Alongside, illustrator and Korea-adept Tina Kraus created beautiful images.

This collection of recipes unseals the road to a cuisine rich in vitamins, which gets along with few, but characteristic spices like ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil and chili paste, a taste you do not want to miss once tasted. Even more the authors not only wrote down their recipes, but also tell us about every day culinary Korean life and enable the reader thus to immerse himself completely into the cuisine of their home country. And Tina Kraus’ incisive illustrations bestow an additional visual impression about life in Korea and wet one’s appetite for dishes, which are all together easy to cook.

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Further information

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Tina Kraus

Born in Starnberg in 1985, Tina Kraus studied design in Münster. She spent a term at the University of Seoul, South Korea, in 2009, where she got to know and love Korean cuisine. She works as a freelance illustrator and paper engineer.

Minbok Kou

Minbok Kou, born 1951 in Jeonju, moved to Berlin in 1974. She loves cooking traditional Korean dishes, preferably with her husband and two children.

Sunkyoung Jung

Born 1963 in Jeongeup in southwest Korea, Sunkyoung Jung studied communication in Seoul and Berlin. The passionate cook, works as a freelance culture journalist.

Yun-Ah Kim

Yun-Ah Kim, born 1971 in Seoul, studied musicology and moved to Berlin in 2002 to earn her doctorate. She is an ardent cook specializing in soups.

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