La cuisine verte [Engl.]

Vive la France – végétarienne!

France and family are – besides cooking – the two great passions of Murielle Rousseau. In her latest cookbook, La cuisine verte, she combines these passions in a very charming way. In this book she leaves out fish and meat entirely, et voilà: The French cuisine works out great as a vegetarian kitchen!

Murielle introduces delicious snacks for aperitifs and picnics, as well as soups and salads for starters; then there are tartes and quiches, egg and cheese dishes, recipes around potatoes and chestnuts, as well as stews and vegetable dishes. Just the names of these dishes, such as »Chestnut and carrot puree from the Limousin« or »Eggplant caviar from the Provence with vegetable sticks« make your mouth water.

The delicious recipes alternate with informative texts about French bread or Fleur de sel, with little anecdotes and atmospheric stories of life in France and the French food culture.

The recipes and texts are presented in the style of a scrapbook. Modern food photography and memorabilia of the Rousseau family, such as stamps, nostalgic family photos, food labels and restaurant menus make atmospheric collages – the perfect setting for delicious recipes and stories.

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Further information

  • All rights available.
  • 160 pages, flexible hardcover, 17 x 23,5 cm, colour throughout

Murielle Rousseau

Murielle R. Rousseau-Grieshaber, born 1966 in Paris, studied Romance and German languages and literature, and is the author of several French cookbooks. Three of her cookbooks have been awarded the Gourmand World Cookbook Award. She cooks in a German television programme and runs her own agency for press and public relations.

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