For vegetable lovers Italian cuisine is a veritable Cockaigne. Carlo Bernasconi’s selection of recipes, many of them reminiscent of his Italin family’s cooking tradition, combines with Larissa Bertonasco’s colourful illustrations to turn this book into a mouth-watering stroll through an Italian vegetable garden.
All through the year sun-drenched Italy boasts an impressive array of all kinds of vegetables, which are prepared in different ways from Bozen to Palermo. From artichoke to zucchini, Carlo Bernasconi has chosen a total of 18 kinds of vegetables that Italians love to use in cooking. He explains the importance and the use of the various vegetables, spicing his account with occasional recollections of his mamma’s and nonna’s cooking. To make sure that this hundredsome of recipes is indeed easy to handle for any beginner, Mr. Bernasconi has already given them a trial run in Cucina e Libri, the nifty little restaurant he owns in Zurich. Larissa Bertonasco’s sensual illustrations manage to capture the cornucopia of vegetable splendour and make you want to up sticks for Italy right away. Her feast for the eyes makes a fitting hors d’œuvre for a bout of cooking-cum-gluttony.
Download the factsheet with all specificationsEspecially for the sweet toothed the Italian cuisine seems to be the land of milk and honey – in the true sense of the word. Carlo Bernasconi’s exquisite recipe creations ...
Rezeptesammeln erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Ob Tipps von Freunden, kulinarische Eigenkreationen oder Omas Familienrezepte: In diesem von Larissa Bertonasco gestalteten Büchlein ist genug Platz für alles! Dieses charmante Einschreibkochbuch ...
Carlo Bernasconi is a cook and a journalist, and owns a restaurant. He has written or co-written a number of cookery books, among them Das große Buch der Italienischen Küche which has become a standard reference work. He lives, writes and cooks in Zurich.
Born in Heilbronn in 1972, Larissa Bertonasco studied Italian and Art History in Siena and Hamburg, and later on Illustration in Hamburg. She now works as a freelance artist and illustrator, for magazines, publishers, and in advertising. She lives in Hamburg with her family.
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