Kitty’s Berlin Cookery Book

Hoppelpoppel, Mohnpielen, Errötende Jungfrau (Blushing Virgin) – the very names of traditional Berlin dishes are quirky enough to tickle everybody’s fancy (and palate). Even more so when two Berlin-born sisters set out to rediscover and reassert Berlin’s culinary vitality. What they’ve come up with is a marvellously entertaining book of stories, pictures, and, yes! cookery that’ll charm native Berliners, recent arrivals and Berlin fans alike.

Kitty’s BerlinCookery Book takes us on a culinary guided tour of Berlin, with plenty of history, literary anecdotes, and pictures as a side dish. Following the course of the day it starts with a breakfast for the seriously hung-over – herring salad, goat’s cheese, eggs & bacon, or Arme Ritter (sweet French toast soaked in milk). After breakfast there’s a variety of snacks on offer, soups galore, plus lots of rather fishy business before we can settle down for a exquisite cake in a coffe house. A choice of dainties, warm or cold, which grow more pungent by the hour, will be partaken of between midnight and the break of day, rounding off 18 hours’ worth of unrepentant gluttony (as well as your tummy).

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Kitty Kahane

Kitty Kahane, born in Berlin in 1960, trained at the talent factory in Berlin-Weißensee. She has designed and illustrated numerous books, as well as adorning textiles and china with her design, and is now one of Berlin’s best-known artists – an illustrator, designer, and painter.

Brit Hartmann

Brit Hartmann, Ms Kahanes sister, is a passionate cook and literature aficionada.

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